Join me in the "Live A Better Life In 30 Days" challenge!

This looks like it will be fun and inspiring. And it’s FREE! Join me and let’s see how it goes, ok?

I’ve written my affirmation, an intention I’ll be using to frame whatever challenges and ideas and activities we receive each day during the challenge. Here it is:

My creativity is renewing and expanding and I am actively expressing my creative urges every day.


9 thoughts on “Join me in the "Live A Better Life In 30 Days" challenge!

  1. I like your idea, but my math-work-clogged brain did not clearly and easily see what action I should take just now by reading the verbose website. Can you please explain that to me in simple words? I am keen to do this with you.


  2. DAY 1: Life WheelMy life-wheel scores are excellent. I’m proud to say I’ve reached retirement with all these areas at a high level. According to the scores, I have two areas to work on. Creatvity & Fitness. [For those who have seen Celestine’s Life Wheel, I’m substituting Creatvity for the Business segment. In retirement, Creativity is my "work", my "career" — of course, it’s NOT work at all; it’s enjoyment!]???
    When I think about increasing CREATIVITY this month, I get excited. ???
    When I think about increasing FITNESS activity this month, I get a knot in my belly. I resist.???
    I don???t want to destroy one goal by feeling bad about the other. Hmmm. What to do about that?? Decision: I will put the greater focus on creativity, while adding a couple of new routines toward fitness. Establishing ROUTINE is essential for me when I want to incorporate anything into my daily life. This month, I will create new routines for each of the two areas.???
    My 4 FITNESS goal items: walking, yoga, weight room, & fitness class. I’ve written them in detail for myself, but I’ll spare you. ???
    My CREATIVITY goal is simple. Do something creative every day.


  3. DAY 1’s Life Wheel score (worth bragging about!) = 88/100. My life is better-than-good! Doesn’t mean I can’t improve upon it, right?


  4. DAY 2: MY IDEAL LIFEToday’s notes from Celes are to help us define our ideal life. Excellent notes and ideas, Celes! work is what I???ve been doing for 28 years. (I’m age 61 now.) My journals are full of similar notes-to-self, lists life the ones you recommend we do today. Example: I wrote my list of specifics about my ideal partner; soon after, I met him, and now, 24 years later, every item on the list has come true with him. It’s magic! (But really, it’s actually about creating the vision, believing, and being willing to "do whatever it takes". The level of success is directly related to the amount of effort we put into creating our best reality.) So… I???m not going to do today???s 30DLBL exercises; I???ve already been doing them (and many others) much of my adult life. However, I???m not going to waste this Day 2 in this process. I???m going to use it as an opportunity to take some time to reflect on the methods and processes I???ve used to get to this wonderful place in my life. I???m going to take some time to honor myself for the work I???ve done. I???m proud of myself and of arriving at this perfectly IDEAL life I???m in!Of course, the process personal growth never ends! I continue to work on it every day. When I feel a bump or barrier, when I feel a niggle of need, a dram of discontent, I get to work on it right away. Some days it???s definitely not easy. But as soon as I get to work, I feel the veil lifting and the joy just around the corner, waiting for me to recapture it. Today I thank myself for staying involved in these life-enhancing ways & habits. I???m also proud that others now look to me for advice, for words of wisdom. I recognize that any wisdom I have was formed out of the self-development work I do; I put in the time, read the books, listen to my own mentors, and hold to the belief that life can be all I want it to be. I also know that other people will only be able to do their own work when they???re personally ready. But perhaps I can guide them a little toward becoming ready. I live my life as best I can, and it???s pretty much ideal, for me, so perhaps it???s an example to others than an ideal life can be achieved… with a lot of work of the right kind.Today I rejoice in my life. It’s ideal. I give myself thanks for the work and time I’ve put into creating it.


  5. I too am taking the 30DLBL challenge! :)I don’t know if I will be blogging about it or not, but I’m following along! I actually didn’t start until today (3 days late) so I’m quickly catching up to be ready for day 4 or 5 on track with everyone else. 🙂 Have fun! Cheers,Mitch


  6. Hey Mitch, thanks for posting your comment! I hope you have fun too. Luckily, 3 days isn’t too much to catch up on, and it’s all worth the time For Sure! I’ll watch for you in Celestine’s blog comments.


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